My NEW for this week is big, huge, massive, life changing! OK, that last one might be a
slight exaggeration, but never-the-less, you get the idea, right? But before I tell you about it, I want to give you a bit of back history, to tell you a little bit about how I arrived at digi-scrapping and blogging. So in true story-teller fashion I'll ask you this question ... are you sitting comfortably? OK, then I'll begin ...
On 5th February 2009 the world as I knew it, shattered. I remember it like is was yesterday. It had snowed the night before and when I arrived at the office, a few colleagues and I built a snowman, we were like kids, messing about, snowball fighting and creating snow angels.
The day was like any other, a mixture of meetings and phone calls, then at 3:30pm my boss asked me to step into her office. It wasn't a scheduled meeting, so I had no idea what it was about and I certainly didn't expect what happened next.
I didn't get upset, I didn't get angry. I simply said that I understood, that I was disappointed, but I understood. Then I went back to my desk and carried on working until 5pm. I said "good night" to colleagues and that was that. The end of my career with the company.
Losing my job smack bang in the middle of one of the worst economic recessions [in my living memory] was awful. But one good thing to came from it, was all the unexpected free time I gained. Time that allowed me to
truly discover the delights of digi-scrapping. Time that allowed me to share my enthusiasm for all things digital and creative. Time that allowed me to create this blog where I could share my passions with anyone of cared to read about them.
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Fast forward to the end of July 2010. I received a phone call from my "ex" boss asking if I was available to do some temping work in the office? My "old" office. For the company that had made my job redundant some 18 months earlier.
At first it was odd being back, but at the same time,it was almost like I'd never been away! It felt good to be able to help, to put my years of experience and knowledge to use again. But alas, all too soon my temporary contract came to an end. "Oh well!", back to the digi-scrapping drawing board (whilst job hunting of course. LOL!), I thought.
Two quick months later and I received
another phone call from my "ex-ex" boss, again asking if I was available to do some more temping work? Sure. Why not? The money before Christmas would come in
very handy.
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That was almost 4 months ago and I'm still temping at my "old" office. But not for long ... you see I've been offered a
permanent contract back with my "old" company! Eeeeekkk! Almost exactly 2 years later and I'm back. And it feels good. And it feels like coming home after a long holiday. Welcome back me.