Monday 7 May 2012

Recipe #16 of NEWrecipes52 ...

I'm heading east again for my next new recipe of chicken satay skewers with peanut dipping sauce, and any recipe that includes garlic, chili, ginger and lime, is all good in my book!

The chicken breasts were sliced into 4 or 5 slices, put into a bowl and a marinade of lime juice, crushed garlic, grated ginger, chili flakes and soy sauce, poured over. I covered the bowl with clingfilm and put into the fridge to let the flavours infuse into the chicken ...

After an hour or so, the marinaded chicken was then threaded onto skewers (the recipe said to use bamboo skewers but I didn't have any!), ready to be grilled ...

The peanut sauce called for crunchy peanut butter, coconut milk, garlic, finely chopped chili and lime juice all to be combined together ...

Unfortunately, almost as soon as I added the lime juice, my sauce "split" and didn't look terribly appetising ...

But I didn't panic! Instead, I transferred the cold mixture into a saucepan, added a small amount of water and heated it gently, whilst stirring continuously. The result was a smooth, beautifully combined warm sauce ...

Grilled chicken satay and warm peanut dipping sauce ...

Perfect for a light snack or late lunch.


Yvon said...

Oh Sue! This looks delicious!!! i should try it once :D


listgirl said...

Your food photos look so soft, as if they belong in a magazine. Great job rescuing the sauce! Looks super-yummy!